
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Follow Your Heart

Does your brain and your heart sometimes go to war with each other? Mine does. Sometimes my heart wins and sometimes my brain wins.

Several months ago when I began to write  "A Portrait of Dawn" there was a war going on inside of me. I knew I had a story to tell, and since I'm not really very imaginative, I felt like it came from something God planted in my heart and He wanted me to nurture it and make it grow.

But it seemed crazy for me to do that. I've had no formal training on how to write, and very little writing my head said, "you don't know how to do this, and if you do, you'll make a fool of yourself"  

But my heart won and i wrote the book.

Today, I received this message and I'm glad my heart won.

Hi Brenda, I started reading A Portrait of Dawn and had to stop long enough to send you this. I found myself, at the beginning of chapter 5, when Momma goes to Beth's room and crawls into bed with her. Beth asks her Momma how she feels and her Momma says, "God is painting a new Dawn"...before I knew it, tears were rolling down my cheek. The role reversal of child/mother, hope, faith, God and Momma all together there, is like a whirlwind of emotions/feelings on paper! You are blessed with this gift!

In the past few weeks, I've been overwhelmed with advice on how to market my book, the importance of good reviews and how to do a book signing.

Right now, none of those seem important to me. The only thing that matters right now is that the story God planted in my heart, touched the heart of someone else..

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