As many of you know...when "A Portrait of Dawn" was released in Februry, my goal was to give the proceeds from local sales of the book to local charities. It was my way of saying thanks to God for blessing me so richly throughout my life. (If you've read the book, you know not everyone is as blessed as I have been).
I ordered 250 books and desiganted $5 from the sale of each book to our local crisis pregnancy center, Children's Lantern and my church's mission trip to Peru. Today, I still have 60 of those books left, but I'm going to go ahead and write the last check, believing that God will help me sell the rest of them. (all kinds of festivals and crafts shows coming up...or if you want one, let me know!) It fills my heart with joy knowing these organizations will use the money to build the kingdom of God.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been so supportive of me in this new endeavor of mine. Like I've said before, the story was a seed God planted in my heart. It was my choice to nurture it or let it die. From what so many of you have told me, God used it to bless some hearts, and I give Him all the praise for doing that.
And for those of you who are asking about the sequel to "Dawn"? I am getting ready to send the final edited manuscript of "Dawn's New Day" into the publisher. I am still looking at a late June or early July release date.
If you follow my author facebook page, you read what my youngest daughter said about it... "Tonight, I finished up the sequel to my mom's book (Dawn's New Day) & I must say...move over Nicholas Sparks, there is a new writer in town! I am a sucker for a good love story." Please keep in mind that my daughters are hog-tied and promised big money if they say things like this.
One of my other content editors said this: "It's better than the first one!" But she's my oldest and one of my dearest friends, so she also has to be nice. :) Guess I'll let you all be the real judges when it comes out.
Again, thanks to all...
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