
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inspired to Write by Grandma

            On March 28, 1962 I received the best gift this ten year old girl could receive for her birthday. It was a book and it was given to me by my grandmother. You might wonder how I can remember something that happened over fifty years ago. How could I forget? As I write this article today, that same book is on the bookshelf next to me. The rose colored hardcover with a publication date of 1959 is now tattered and discolored. The title, Heidi is barely readable.

            The old gift is worth $8.99 on E-bay, it’s priceless to me today.

            For a little girl who had very few friends and lived in a low income home with no television, my new book was a treasure. I read it at least a dozen times in the next few years and Heidi  became a cherished friend, one who took me away from my tiny world and introduced me to a vast new one I dreamed of experiencing.

            In the years after 1962, Grandma used the wages she made as a cook, to buy me a whole collection of the classics. When she gave Little Women to me, she said maybe I would  grow up to be like the fictional Jo, the sister who became a writer.

            Over the past fifty years, I’ve read hundreds of other books. Many were best sellers written by extraordinary writers. But the ones that impacted my life the most, were the ones that weren’t widely read. It was as if they were written just for me.

            As a teenager, I read Not My Will and recognized the importance of seeking God’s will for my life. As a young mother, I read A Lantern in Her Hand and wept as Abby gave up all her dreams, only to see them come true through her children. As a stressed out mother of teenagers I read The Blessing and recognized the truly important things I could give my children.

            Three years ago, after almost forty years as a wife, mom, grandmother, nurse and writer of journals, I began to feel “a need” to write for publication.  I purchased and read every “how to write” book I could find, and I learned a lot. But, when I put my fingers on my computer to write my first story, my prayer was not to write a perfect book, it was for God to use the words I would write to make a positive impact on just one person’s life.”

            This past December, I had the honor of having one of my stories published in the Guidepost magazine. Soon after that, the story was picked up by the Huffington Post. In the comments that followed the story, I saw my answered prayer.

            As I reflect back on my life, I recognize God’s faithfulness to me. Not only has He blessed me tremendously, but He’s been my strength during the difficult times of life. He has taught me some valuable lessons and I write today, to share those with others.

            I pray now that my debut novel, A Portrait of Dawn, to be published this month, will touch someone’s life…like Heidi touched mine.

            © 2013  B. J. Young








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