
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Faith at Easter

Published in the March, 2013 "Living Today" magazine

I Believe He Lives

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
                                                              Hebrew 11:1

            Over the years, I’ve come to my own understanding of faith and it goes like this.......  

            I don’t understand electricity. I’ve seen it light up the storm clouds overhead and felt its static spark at my fingertip. I don’t understand it, but I have faith that an electrical current will make a light come on when I flip a switch.
            I don’t understand chemistry. I read that it is the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. I still don’t understand it, or even the definition of it, but I have faith that an antibiotic created by a chemist will make my infection go away and I’ll feel better.
            I don’t understand how my cell phone works. You can talk about channels, frequencies and transmitters until we’re both blue in the face, and I still won’t understand it. But I have faith that when I turn it on, (if I remembered to charge it) I can talk to anyone on this planet.
            I don’t understand how an elevator works. I know it has pulleys and braking systems, but I don’t know how they work together to make a box that weighs thousands of pounds go up and down. But I had faith when I pushed a button that an elevator would take me up to the very top of the Empire State Building, and bring me safely back down again.
            I never understood how my old analog television worked, nor do I understand my current digital one. But I have faith that when I turn it on, I’ll be able to view at least a hundred different channels.
            I don’t understand how my car works, (except that it takes expensive gas to run it). But I have faith that when I turn the key in it, I get to go anywhere my heart desires.
            I don’t understand how an airplane can lift its huge body off the ground and soar above the clouds. But I have faith that it will do just that and take me to Florida in the winter when I need sunshine.
            I don’t understand many things in nature. I saw the buds on the trees, turn to leaves last spring, then change colors and fall off. That’s a mystery to me, but I have faith the cycle will be repeated this year.
            I don’t understand a lot about astronomy and gravitational pull. But I have faith that our earth will stay on its orbit around the sun at the perfect distance, until its Creator decides to change it. 
            I don’t understand how two tiny cells make a human being with a soul. But I know what it feels like to hold the miracle of a newborn infant in my arms and I have faith a new one will be created for most people who want a baby, and for some who don’t.
            I don’t understand love; the unconditional kind that I’ve received from family and special friends. It’s the kind that says no matter what I do or say, they’ll love me anyways. It’s the kind God has for all of us and wants us to have for others. It’s a mystery, but I know God love me and I have faith that it’s unending.
            I don’t understand how Jesus took on the form of man or why He would voluntarily come to earth to die on a cross for my sins. I didn’t see Him myself but I read in God’s Word that He did. And because He did, I have faith that my sins are forgiven and my life has been changed.
            I don’t understand how a man can die then come back to life in three day. But I have faith that Jesus is alive and sits at the right hand of God in heaven today.
            I don’t understand how anyone can live eternally. But I believe…because Jesus lives eternally, I will to. 
© 2013 Brenda J. Young

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