My Personal Thoughts
on Politics 2012
For months now, we
have been bombarded with the views of many on the subject of politics. Although
I find the constant advertising intrusive at times, the process is fascinating to
me and I appreciate the opportunity to give my opinion too.
I find it enlightening
when I compare what is happening today with what has happened in American
history… it still amazes me that one president can make such a huge difference in
the lives of millions of people. It happened in 1860 when President Lincoln was
elected. (Without the influence of the the media, the Super PACS , the
political pundits and the astronomical amount of money that has been spent on
this one in 2012.)
As a Christian, I
believe it’s not just a privilege, but a responsibility to vote as I believe
God wants me to vote…knowing in my heart that no matter who wins this election,
God is going to use the results to insure that His Will for His people will be
done. I find the promise of that In Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
With all of that said,
I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that I will be voting for Mr.
Romney. But one more time, before I cast that vote I am clarifying to myself
WHY he is getting my vote.
-The fact that he’s a real gentleman counts
for me. I read a commentary recently that said this: “history records that
where the typical male is a moral person, society thrives. When manhood becomes
morally corrupt, that society soon fails.” The leader of the free world in my
opinion should be a gentleman who brings honor not only to those in his family
but to his country.(not to Hollywood)
-I am voting for Mr. Romney, not because I like all of his policies
but because his heart is more like my heart than that of his opponent’s. I
appreciate that he recognizes God’s graciousness and leadership to our country.
-He believes in preserving life for all, including the unborn.
-He believes that marriage is between a man and a woman.
- The previous reasons are vitally important to me as a
Christian because in the next few years there are several members of our Supreme court who will more that likely need to be replaced because of their ages. American needs a conservative president to appoint those new justices.
-He is a business man and I believe he knows better than his
opponent how to balance a budget. Doing
that will be painful but I believe he will do it with compassion. (and Big Bird will survive in a free
enterprise system…CBS and FOX will be fighting over him!)
-He believes in the importance of a strong military for America,
not to bully others around but to protect our citizens and our allies.
-I believe Mr. Romney is more intelligent and wiser, as
evidenced by his performances in the debates and his platform.
-I appreciate his choice
of a running mate. In my opinion, anyone would be better than the one we now
-I want a president who will do his best to work with both
parties. Mr. Obama has proven that he either cannot or does not want to do
that. A President should not push onto us what
he wants, disregarding the legislative and judicial arms of government…and the will of the American people.
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